Skin Care Quick Tip: Don’t Waste Your Moisturizer or SPF!

The other day I was at my friend's house and she was putting on her makeup, etc. as we were chatting.  I noticed after she applied her moisturizer with SPF, she wiped off the excess product that was on her hands onto a paper towel.

Waste Not – Want Not

Immediately I yelled, "Why did you do that??!"  She looked at me and said, "Why did I do what?"  I informed her that she shouldn't have wiped the excess product on a paper towel.  She tilted her head and gave me an inquisitive look.  I explained that she could have used the excess product on her neck, chest and the tops of her hands.  At that point, I saw the the lightbulb go off over her head.

Apply skin care First, you should be applying your SPF or moisturizer to your neck and chest areas anyway.  You don't want to wind up looking like some of those Hollywood starlets who have had facial rejuvenation done but neglect to do anything with their neck and chest.  You know what I'm talking about.  Their neck and chest areas look 10 years older than their faces.  Gobble, gobble-turkey neck anyone?

Secondly, most women neglect the tops of their hands.  This area shows aging rapidly because of the constant exposure to UVA & UVB rays all year round.  Hyperpigmentation (brown spots) will show up sooner than you want it to if your hands aren't being protected daily with SPF.

One last tip: always apply your moisturizer/SPF to the face, neck and chest in an UPWARD manner.  Don't help gravity along by dragging the skin down.

Question: Was this tip helpful to you?  Let me know by leaving a comment in the form below.  Got more beauty questions?  Ask me…I LOVE to share my knowledge!

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-The Mineral Makeup Coach

6 thoughts on “Skin Care Quick Tip: Don’t Waste Your Moisturizer or SPF!”

  1. Hi Kristen! If all it took was applying SPF to the chest area to prevent the need for a “lift”, then you can bet I would be BATHING in the stuff! He he he!
    -The Mineral Makeup Coach

  2. Hi Kathleen- thanks for posting! Like you, my Mom also has passed away. She also always regretted not taking better care of her skin (she was a sun worshipper). So, I guess it’s my mission to help women look better and feel better about themselves.
    And yes, I believe our Moms are always watching and guiding us; even at the strangest times!
    -The Mineral Makeup Coach

  3. Thanks for the tip! I’ve known about applying SPF moisturizer my face and the backs of my hands (keeps those tell tale age spots away) but never thought about the neck/chest area. I certainly don’t want a turkey neck LOL.

  4. You are so very right that the skin on our necks & chest change quickly…it seems like almost overnight! My Mom before she passed last December for months kept commenting on her turkey neck & how she wished she would have started in her 20’s putting her creams on her neck…You made me think of her & smile when I read what you wrote…My Mom always seems to appear out of no where to still speak to me…. 🙂

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