Body Acne- Part 1

Bare Back womanFor many women, acne breakouts in areas other than the face are a major problem.  From the back and chest to the rear, shoulders, and beyond, body acne can cause...

Are You “Warm” or “Cool”?

Warmcool picThe question, "Am I warm or cool?" is probably one of the most frequently asked questions by women when it comes to makeup and wardrobe color choices.

Over the years,...

Teens, Dairy Products & Acne- Is There A Connection?

In past posts, I've already debunked the myths that sugar and chocolate cause acne .  According to dermatologists, genetics and hormonal fluctuations are what determines if a person will develop...

PRIIA Cosmetics Approved For PETA’s Caring Consumer Program!

I am so excited to share this news with you!  Last week, PRIIA Cosmetics was approved to be a part of PETA's Caring Consumer program .  We are also an...

Does Sugar Cause Acne?

CandyA simple adjustment in your diet may help reduce the occurrence of acne flareups; especially before a big event like a wedding.

Sugar itself DOES NOT cause acne but what it...

Do Pores Open and Close?

This morning I was inspired to write a post about pores and if it's possible for them to open and close. The inspiration came from a friend who asked me if...

Skin Care Quick Tip: Don’t Waste Your Moisturizer or SPF!

The other day I was at my friend's house and she was putting on her makeup, etc. as we were chatting.  I noticed after she applied her moisturizer with SPF,...

Skin Care Quick Tip: Winter Skin & Hot Water

As an esthetician, one of the most common complaints I hear in the cold winter months is that a client's skin feels dry, tight and dehydrated.

One of the biggest culprits for...

How To Keep Your Makeup From Changing Colors

Has this ever happened to you?  You apply the right shade of makeup foundation in the morning and by the afternoon it's a different color?

Confused white womanIt's happened to me and...

How To Choose The PERFECT Brow Color

EyebrowsperfectIf you want to look younger and create the perfect frame for your face then you must choose your brow color carefully.

Doing so doesn't have to be difficult.  The...

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