Skin Care & Treating Acne

Breaking Out During Seasonal Changes

*Article posted with permission from Blooming Skin Care & Acne Clinic in Bloomington, Indiana. Autumn Means Acne Flairs for the Blemish Prone Acne flares seem more common in many of my clients during late September and October. Research surrounding seasonal changes done by French Endocrinologist Alain Reinberg supports that the lessoning length of daylight can trigger

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Hydrate Versus Moisturize: What’s The Difference?

When we hear the words ‘hydrate’ and ‘moisturize’ most people tend to think that the two terms are interchangeable.  This would be incorrect. A hydrating product is something that helps to increase the moisture/water content of the skin. Hydrating products tend to be in a water-based formula such as PRIIA’s Hydrating Skin Spritz or a

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Acne Cosmetica: Breakouts From Makeup

If you’re an acne-prone individual, you need to be careful with the cosmetic products you’re using as many contain hidden pore clogging ingredients.  When you breakout from makeup, this is a condition known as ACNE COSMETICA. The most frustrating part about Acne Cosmetica is that you may be using products that say: “won’t clog your

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Acne Mechanica: Breakouts From Working Out?

Do you play sports?  Do you exercise?  Are you wearing sports and exercise clothing and equipment?  Have you noticed that you’re experiencing breakouts happening where your sports bra or helmet touches?  If you answered “yes”, you are experiencing something called ACNE MECHANICA. When you’re working out or playing sports, pores that are clogged are being

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