Breaking Out During Seasonal Changes

*Article posted with permission from Blooming Skin Care & Acne Clinic in Bloomington, Indiana.

Autumn Means Acne Flairs for the Blemish Prone
Acne flares seem more common in many of my clients during late September and October. Research surrounding seasonal changes done by French Endocrinologist Alain Reinberg supports that the lessoning length of daylight can trigger hormone fluctuations that contribute to acne flares. My theory, a little too much fun this summer has resulted in a delayed flare.
How could that be? It takes as little as 14 days or up to 90 days for a clogged pore to turn into a pimple. Realistically the stuff you’ve been doing or NOT doing for the last few months, (like you are using your customized home care) are probably contributing.

Think back to all the things you were doing just a few weeks ago.
Summer sun burns and tanning of all kinds can result in acne. They usually pop up several weeks later after those sundried dead skin cells have become trapped, yet again, in the pores.
Summer Heat & Humidity causes the stratum corneum to swell. This puts pressure on the fragile follicle walls.

A high carbohydrate diet – basically, processed foods like bread and refined grains that are quickly broken down into sugar – can have a terrible effect on skin. The theory is that refined carbs cause your insulin levels to spike, which in turn leads to increased sebum production and clogged pores.

Noncompliance! Skipping home care, even if it’s just a few times at camp or at a sleep over, allows cellular debris to start piling up in the pores once again. You may not notice breakout immediately but in the weeks and months to come.

Stress, the BIG one! Doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad stress. Moving, starting a new job, going away to college… all rank right up there as some of the top acne contributors.

1. Swimming Pools-chemicals used to clean pools contain ingredients that aggravate the follicle.
2. Summer Foods-Vacations and BBQ’s are full of acne causing foods. Although certain foods do not cause acne they are a major factor on your acne occurrence and severity.
3. Summer Heat-Bacteria loves a nice warm environment and the heat of summer is like heaven to P.Acnes Bacteria. Your clogged pores have had all summer to “grow” bacteria and now they are manifesting into acne lesions. This is why we tell you to ICE!
4. Sleep Overs/Camps-It’s really hard to stay on track with your home care routines with all this fun stuff going on. Inconsistent product usage WILL catch up with you!

If you find yourself breaking out and would like some guidance, schedule a consultation to start with Christy at Blooming Skin Care & Acne Clinic in Bloomington, Indiana or with your local esthetician.

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