When we hear the words ‘hydrate’ and ‘moisturize’ most people tend to think that the two terms are interchangeable. This would be incorrect.
A hydrating product is something that helps to increase the moisture/water content of the skin. Hydrating products tend to be in a water-based formula such as PRIIA’s Hydrating Skin Spritz or a gel-type of product such as Face Reality’s Hydrabalance.
A moisturizer is a product that helps hold moisture/water already in the skin and prevents this moisture from leaving the skin which is called TEWL (transepidermal water loss). Moisturizing products tend to be in a more emollient formula such as Face Reality’s Clearderma moisturizing creme or DermaTruth’s gel/creme antioxidant moisturizer.
Which skin type for which product?
Well, I think both are great for all skin types! Use a hydrating product product FIRST and then seal in that moisture with an actual moisturizer! Just make sure they are acne-safe if you’re an acne-prone individual. (the products mentioned in this post are all acne-safe)