Acne Cosmetica: Breakouts From Makeup

If you’re an acne-prone individual, you need to be careful with the cosmetic products you’re using as many contain hidden pore clogging ingredients.  When you breakout from makeup, this is a condition known as ACNE COSMETICA.

The most frustrating part about Acne Cosmetica is that you may be using products that say: “won’t clog your pores”, “hypoallergenic” or “oil-free” yet they are actually what’s causing your breakouts or making your existing acne worse.

Another frustration many acne sufferers experience is that the products they’re using may have been orginally safe for acne but now the formula has changed and it’s comedogenic.  There is no way to know if a formula has changed unless you check the ingredient decks with every purchase. Let’s be honest- most consumers don’t check ingredient labels with the FIRST purchase nevermind with subsequent purchases. Plus, the large cosmetics manufacturers CONSTANTLY change their formulas.  At the end of the day, the acne-prone consumer is left feeling confused, frustrated and defeated when breakouts occur and yet they haven’t changed anything within their routine.

What should you do?  BE YOUR OWN ACNE ADVOCATE.

But how do you become your own advocate to avoid Acne Cosmetica?  Use PRIIA’s PORE CLOGGERS LIST to check your products’ ingredient decks.  In all honesty, this is an arduous task and this list is by no means the “be all end all” of pore clogging ingredients but it’s a good start. Your best bet?  Switch out your cosmetics to our line, PRIIA minerale-derm.  Our formulas are not only 100% acne-safe but they’re also beneficial to acne-prone skin.  They are non-comedogenic and non-acnegenic which means they won’t clog your pores OR contribute to acne breakouts. Our products have helped thousands of acne sufferers.  Give us try today.  It’s a step in the right direction on the path to having clear skin!


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