Body Acne- Part 1

Bare Back woman For many women, acne breakouts in areas other than the face are a major problem.  From the back and chest to the rear, shoulders, and beyond, body acne can cause feelings of insecurity as well as wardrobe limitations.

Since Spring is already here, many women are already out shopping for the latest in warm weather fashions.  But, for those who have body acne breakouts, you may feel like wearing those long-sleeved shirts a little while longer.  In this post, we'll look at what causes body acne and in a follow-up post, we'll investigate what you can do about it.

First, take heart.  Just like breakouts on the face, body acne is treatable.  However, because the skin on the body is thicker than it is on the face, body acne can be more stubborn, so you must be patient as there are no cures for acne but there are methods to reduce; even prevent the chances of breakouts from occuring.  Get a jump on the situation now, so when the really warm weather rolls around, you won't feel embarrassed to wear that sleeveless tank top.

The Causes

Even though the location of the acne may be different, the cycle or pattern is still the same.  Dirt, oil and debris get trapped with in the pore.  Bacteria feed off of this and begin to multiply rapidly.  White blood cells rush to the area of inflammation and cause redness, pain and swelling to occur in an effort to thwart bacterial growth.  The result?  A sore, red pimple that may or may not have a whitehead.  In addition to this cycle, other factors can come into play and simply exacerbate the problem.

1) SWEAT– Perspiration acts like a 'film' that traps oil, dirt and debris in the pore(s).  If you exercise, be sure to shower right away and use a fresh towel.  You should be using a separate, fresh towel during your workout to wipe away any sweat- do not use your hands or forearms.  Also, consider carrying a toner & some cotton rounds with you in your purse.  Lightly mist your decollete, upper arms and shoulders a few times a day to remove any excess perspiration.

2) CLOTHING– Wearing clothing that doesn't 'breathe'- especially when perspiring- traps sweat against the skin causing the problem described above.  Also, irritating fabrics can cause friction and pressure against the skin, contributing to breakouts.

3) PRODUCTS– Cosmetics for the face AND body such as creams and lotions can be comedogenic and cause acne breakouts.  Hair care products can also cause a problem due to heavy oils and waxes contained in most of these types of products.  Depending on where you're breaking out, consider the types of products that may come in contact with the area(s) of concern.

In my next post, I discuss how you can treat body acne breakouts.  For more information on acne and its causes, check out these RELATED POSTS:
Understanding Your Acne
Eat Chocolate…Get Zits?

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-The Mineral Makeup Coach

4 thoughts on “Body Acne- Part 1”

  1. Hi sphin-
    Yes, certain can be contributing factors to acne flareups such as dairy and foods high in iodides such as kelp and seafood.
    Glad you like my blog!
    -The Mineral Makeup Coach

  2. Hi Karissa!
    Thanks for commenting! You’ve done nothing ‘karmically’ to cause this sweetie! Check out Body Acne- Part 2 for some real good solutions. I specialize in the treatment of acne in my skin care practice and the advice I give here is what I do with my clients- it works!
    -The Mineral Makeup Coach

  3. fantastic! my back broke out like it NEVER has before. you know me, I like to use my natural products but I finally bought a panoxyl bar soap that has benzoyl peroxide in it and that is what I am washing my back shoulder neck and chest with now.
    but the scars! augh the scars! stupid ACNE, what have I done karma(icly) to deserve this dreadful junk!

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