Can Vitamin C Prevent Acne?

This may sound way too good to be true (and you know the old saying…), but more than just a few significant studies (plus my own experiencse) are placing a connection between taking vitamin C orally and the prevention of acne.

Citrus Vitamin C is considered a "super vitamin" because it plays such a key role in boosting the immune system and preventing infection.  In order to reap the possible antibacterial benefits of taking vitamin C supplements, it's recommended that you take 1,000mg to 1600mg, three times per day.  A few other supplements that seem to work well alongside vitamin C in the prevention of acne are: vitamin E, vitamin B complex and zinc.

Before I even found out about these studies, I'd starting taking the above mentioned supplements, and I can tell you that's it made an amazing difference in my skin.  Rarely do I experience a breakout anymore; even at that 'special' time of the month.  If I do happen to get a breakout, it is so small and basically undetectable.  I can defintely deal with that!

Of course, always check with your doctor before taking any supplements.  If he/she gives you the 'green light', then go for it.  Clear skin may be closer than you think. 😉

Question:  If you experience breakouts, is there anything you've found out of the ordinary to help treat them?  Let me know by leaving a comment below.  Thanks!

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-The Mineral Makeup Coach

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