Beauty Quick Tip: How To Prevent Your Mascara From Drying Out

Mascara should be changed out every 3 months.  However, sometimes before that time limit is up, your mascara may start to dry out a little.  Here's a simple, yet effective tip for preventing this…

Simply add 1 to 2 drops of sterile saline solution to tube.  Next, dip the wand into the tube and swirl it Mascara wand around.  Your mascara tube and wand have now been 'remoistened' with the antibacterial saline solution!  This will give you a few more weeks of use before needing to buy more mascara. 

Remember, never pump the wand in an 'up and down' motion as this forces excess air into the tube and will dry out the product twice as fast.

Related Posts:  Mascara Mishap Fast Fix

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-The Mineral Makeup Coach

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